

Talisma Communication Channels


Serve customers on their terms

With Talisma® CRM, customers can engage your organization and services using their preferred communication channels, whether they are digital channels (like email, Web portal, SMS text , or chat), or traditional channels (like phone, face-to-face interactions, and letters). The key to effective customer service is having a complete history of interactions across these touchpoints whenever a customer, student, or citizen contacts you. The backbone of this communications platform is the Talisma Customer Relationship Hub.

Talisma Customer Relationship Hub (CRH) is a unified framework for managing routing and security for Talisma communication channels and integrating information from a variety of sources.

Choose which communication channels and applications to add to the platform:

Talisma Chat provides online customers with immediate assistance and real-time personalized communications, supporting both proactive and reactive chat engagements with optional collaborative browsing.

Talisma Email simplifies and streamlines the management of a high volume of emails. With automated routing, Talisma assigns incoming emails to the appropriate agent while providing easy access to the entire interaction history. Talisma helps in managing response times with single click canned responses and knowledgebase responses.

Talisma Phone increases agent productivity with tools to improve call handling and increasing response times. Automated “screen pops” provide contact information using automatic number identification, and also bring up dynamic scripts based on the contact’s profile. Talisma supports phone-based services and telemarketing programs, and seamlessly integrates with popular call center technologies.

Talisma Print allows agents to personalize letters and mailing labels by merging contact property data and conditional content into hardcopy mail. Such mail can then be sent with brochures via postal and delivery services.

Talisma SMS Text Messaging leverages the popular SMS technology to notify or alert individuals or targeted groups of customers. This personalized two-way communication channel simultaneously allows customers to reply and interact with internal agents using text messages. Talisma tracks the complete interaction, customer responses, and subsequent actions.

Talisma Analytics generates predefined and custom reports analyzing different aspects of the customer lifecycle including campaign ROI, orders, agent effectiveness, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and more.

Talisma Application Management helps capture customer applications from the Web. Users can work on multiple applications simultaneously, using functions like auto-filling of personal data. Individual page-wise status indicators and overall application status indicators display the different completion levels of the form thereby easing the application process.

Talisma Campaign helps users create and automate multi-step, proactive prospecting campaigns, communications plans, newsletters, and surveys using the intuitive workflow manager with advanced ROI measurement and ad-hoc reporting capabilities.

Talisma Event Management provides an online calendar for effectively presenting and promoting events through the Web, and managing online registrations for free and paid events with payments gateway integration. You can leverage the powerful campaign capabilities to market personalized campaigns and send event details, offers, discounts, and reminders with ease.

Talisma Integrate incorporates valuable data that may be inaccessible in an existing application via integration to the Talisma database. Leverage data from third-party sources or applications.

Talisma Knowledgebase provides a real-time repository of information for content management. Customers and internal agents can locate answers to questions round the clock via the Web site.

Talisma Sales Force Automation empowers your sales team to automate their sales processes, tightly track hot leads, manage activities, and enhance relationship with customers.

Talisma Self-Service Portal leverages and exploits Web 2.0 capabilities to deliver personalized content in a self-service mode to customers. Portals allow organizations to plug in content and gadgets of their choice from almost anywhere using web part technology, with flexible drag and drop options for organizing content delivery.

Talisma Web Callback allows prospective or current customers to schedule calls with agents using Web forms. Talisma CRM prompts the agent to call, based on the submitted time and contact details.

Talisma Web Client allows agents to access critical Talisma functions on the Web from anywhere in the world.

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