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CampusVue2 CMC Enrollment

 Talisma CRM for Financial Aid

• Proactively identify candidates for financial aid, scholarships, and grants 
• Automate process workflows to reduce processing time and effort
• Target and personalize outbound communications


Streamline and Accelerate Financial Aid Packaging
Talisma® CRM Financial Aid provides financial aid administrators and bursars the ability to manage the entire communications and application process within a single solution. The solution pulls data stored in student information systems and data warehouses (e.g., ISIR data) to provide a complete picture of student records and interaction with the institution.

Calculating fields allow you to score key constituent data to determine which students may qualify for financial aid, scholarships, and grants. Once you have identified qualified candidates, you can proactively communicate important application information and personalized offers to them via Talisma CRM Campaign, utilizing telephone, email, SMS text messaging, and hard copy print mailings.

© Talisma Corporation Pvt. Ltd. , a fully-owned subsidiary of Campus Management Corp

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